Thursday 25 July 2019

Crispy Bites - S1E2


How I wished to say yes to the love of my life! There's no love yet, probably it is only yes to willingly fall in love? Will I ever fall in love?

Thoughts overflowing, Meenu's mind at chaos! Her heavy heart had no answer yet as she discussed with her family and friends. Only thing was that she was comfortable with the guy she had met and meet up was fairly good. Probably she's jumping to a Yes with all the convincing thats happening around her, but and not a firm Yes. Couple of days passed by, Meenu was in thoughts of their conversation and smiled at a colleague who knew what was happening in Meenu's life. 
Colleague: Lost in thoughts? Smiling? So, it is a yes from you?
Meenu: Can't say! 
Colleague: Say yes if his thoughts are making you smile like this. πŸ˜‰ 

There it was! Another reason to say yes to this guy? While Meenu left office, she dialled the guy's number.
He: Hello, whats up?
Meenu: Hey, going to catch my bus now. Have you left or still at work?
He: At work, but it's ok to talk. 
Meenu: Hmmm..thought of calling you casually. 
He: It's fine. I understand. 

What does he understand without me saying anything?

He: So, got into the bus?
Meenu: Yep, got my favourite front seat too. Umm.. I like to sit in the front row window seat with the broad view of the road. 
He: Hmmm.. So, what did your parents say? 
Meenu: My parents are OK with you considering our families know each other. Mom worries a lot as usual, she has all the doubts in her mind which you need to clarify. 
He: about you?

Meenu paused for a few seconds and then continued..

Meenu: Thinking.. The time I spent with you, I was comfortable around you. Yet, I feel like meeting my in-laws! πŸ™ˆπŸ™ˆAHH..!!! I mean.., I think, I should know how your parents are, casually. 
He: Haha relax. I am yet to tell my parents about whatever is happening. They're a little busy and need some time to catch up with them considering  different time zones. 

The guys parents were in States for few months. 

Meenu: OK, let me know once you talk to them. So, how are your office gfs today?
He: Haha, you really want to know? They're all around, checking who is on the phone with me for so long. πŸ˜€
Meenu: Oh oh! I am breaking hearts now? πŸ˜‰
He: πŸ˜€ Hmmm.. For sure they'll ask who it was. 
Meenu: Chalo then, you have fun! Babbyee.
He: Bye, keep calling. 

They both hung up laughing. 

Meenu gets a phone call from US suddenly on a Sunday morning! She kind of knew that it could be the guy's parents calling. She picks up clearing her throat. And yes, the guy's Amma was on the phone. After a casual hello hi and comforting talks, Meenu was typically asked if she knows cooking. 😬 There was absolutely one and only concern his mother showed, it was that her son was eating outside food for many years now. Like a good listening girl, Meenu responded that she's used to eating home cooked food and consoled his Amma that they would cook and eat at home (if at all everything falls in placeπŸ’­). The phone was passed to Uncle now. The paternal voice came in with a lot more comfort to Meenu. Uncle only told that she will be treated like his own daughter and not to worry since she's coming into a good family. Later, Meenu passed on the phone to her daddy and after some candy talks, they cut the call. Everyone was in an assumption that this wedding was meant to happen and so the wait was worthwhile. 

The phone rings again,
He: Hello! So, how did your telephonic go?
Meenu: πŸ˜€ Hey! Should I call you honey now?
He: Yeah! That's my name Madhu.
She: Smart! Your parents sounded very optimistic about this alliance. It felt good talking to them, especially your dad.
Madhu: Hmmm..they're more than happy. So, how's it at your end?
She: All seem to be OK. This is all scary, can't explain. 
Madhu: Can I see you anytime today? 
She: Coming home?
Madhu: No no, just us. 

That's the guy, Madhu is his name. He tried his best to comfort the girl with her confusions towards marriage. They suddenly planned to meet at mid distant place for both of them so that it will ease out on the time. It was an amazing pizza party for the duo, followed by a ghost movie called Annabelle. 😁 Coincidentally, Meenu got her friends in the Pizza shop and joined them without the guy's consent (most girls are that way! I think! πŸ’­). πŸ˜€ Mainly the topic of discussion was the bride to be, how foodie she is and few incidents which brought laughter to all of them. Later at the movie hall, Madhu suspected if this coincidence was intentional as Meenu had suggested this eat-out which was so untrue.

Meenu: See! Trust issues already?
Madhu: I din't want to keep anything unclear in my head.
Meenu: Good you asked me but it isn't intentional. I don't find anyone when I come shopping alone and see now! πŸ˜€
Madhu: OK, I trust you.
Meenu: Hey, did you mind my friends joining us?
Madhu: Hmmm, I wanted to talk to you in person.
Meenu: OH, so sorry. 
Madhu: That's ok but be considerable next time.
Meenu: Agreed. Tell me , am all listening to you now. Ghost movie, I will anyway shut my eyes with the horror sounds coming. You can talk. 
Madhu: Huh? So you will not let me watch the movie?
Meenu: Haha. Watch it. Just letting you know that I am open to talk anything. 
Madhu: Shhh.

Post the movie, they both sip some hot coffee and wanted to put across certain things naturally. Meenu wanted to talk about the past chapters of her life. The guy explained that he din't want to know everything which is history now. Yet Meenu wanted to open up and the conversations flowing over the phone until mid night! Well, both had an understanding that anything would really not matter now and made sure that there's no emotional baggage carried with this new budding relationship. Also, this conversation gave them a strong base of confidence in each other. Only after this wholesome understanding, Meenu did not have any second thoughts in her mind. Madhu was really sweet enough for the girl to say YES!

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Tuesday 23 July 2019

Crispy Bites - S1E1

And they meet again!

Introducing Ms Meenu! Marriage is not too old fashioned for Meenu. Here's one of her alliance meet. Would this meeting turn into a marriage?

Meenu thought of window shopping until the guy turns up. Her phone rings,
Meenu: Hello, you reached?
He: Yes, right in front of the coffee shop. 
Meenu: I see you. I am in the opposite side of the road, gimme 2 mins.
He: Oh, the girl in pink kurta is you?
Meenu: Yep! Coming..

The chubby girl with loose silky hair walked towards him. The guy did not take his dreamy eyes off until the girl said 'Hi' a couple of times (just for laughsπŸ’­)
Meenu: Hi! Hi..! 
He: Hi, How you been? You look more pretty! 
Meenu: Haha, thanks! All good! You can find parking space in those cross roads. I shall wait here.

As planned, both the techies dined at a Chinese restaurant. Meenu was instructed to behave and be a good observer of his actions by her bestie. The man asked the waiter to give them 10 more mins for the second time. Meenu interrupted to order so that they eat and talk while he nodded. Probably the waiter was more happy to receive the order than the hungry Ms.

He: So, why is there a change this time? What went wrong the last?

Oh yeah ! There's a little background to this. Meenu had turned down the same proposal almost 2 years ago.

Meenu: Well, I think am more prepared now.
He: I see that. :) 

Meenu somehow managed to reiterate the phone conversation and convinced the guy that whatever had happened in previous alliance meet was genuine. As the food arrived, Ms hungry started enjoying the meal while the guy was very talkative. She discovered that the guy is non alcoholic, non smoker and the big one was that he was never into a relationship! 

No doubt, he is a Gandhi piece! But really, is he honest? 

Meenu was not too revealing but then she admitted that she would drink occasionally with her friends during New Years' girls night-out. 

He: I liked your interest in getting back to me after almost 2 years. It took you so long to realise that I am the best! 😎

Yeah yeah! Meenu got back in touch by replying to a 2 year old email chain with the heading "Horoscope". They both knew that the horoscopy already matched to a great deal. All the above kuddos was because the girl asked the guy directly if he was seeing someone or would he be interested in knowing her more. 😁

Meenu: HAHA..well, I got to know through my dad that you're still looking for a bride. I wanted to talk to you in person before our families got involved and go through our YES/NO all over again. 
He: Perfect! Btw, your choices in ordering the food is nice. I loved whatever you ordered. Specially, this honey roasted chicken. πŸ˜‹

Then came another revelation that the guy eats outside on a daily basis and stays alone. His parents stayed at Mysore and the techie was stuck here in this Bangalore jam without fam.

How can anybody eat outside food for 10 long years? 

The only interesting fact was that the guy was a traveller and the travel deprived Ms would benefit it. Also Meenu believed that talkative guys are to be open minded and humour in their conversation so far seemed to be good. The guy left no scope for any ambiguity and told Meenu how things din't work out for him in various proposals. These stories were fun for both of them to share. This revealed another fact for Meenu to approach this old proposal! Fact was that Meenu didn't want to marry a Doctor for which she was being pushed a little from the family. 

He: OHH! This is why?
Meenu: Anyone but not a Doctor or Police personnel. They don't have time I feel. I want my man to have his own timely priorities towards me! Though I understand the busy life people have at Bangalore. 
He: Fair enough. :)

Then started their routine discussion as they talked about TIME. The man had to know if his timings would do for the lady. πŸ˜‰ 

He: Do you want to order any desert?
Meenu: Not here, let's go to the ice cream parlour nearby.

Like a gentlemen, the man himself paid the bill while Meenu was OK to share it. Both had an understanding that even if the proposal don't work out, they would remember this occasion as a friendly dine-out. 

He: What do you think about having a kid after about 2 years of marriage?

For heavens sake! Who on earth talks about kids in the very first meet?   

Meenu: I haven't thought about it yet. Frankly, I hate kids! Nothing like am not gonna have one. Probably, I will give it a thought after couple of years into marriage?
He: OK. Even am not so fond of kids but would like to have one after couple of years considering my age. 

Well, they both had age difference of 7 years which was one of the reasons for the girl to say no couple of years ago.

Meenu: So which flavour?
He: Anything you like. Order just one, we can share it. I am not fond of ice creams.

Share ice cream with the guy I just met couple of hours ago?

Meenu was in terrible confusion with the way their conversation was going. She decided to leave as soon as the ice cream got over. The guy experienced a sensitive tooth with couple of spoonful ice creams and stopped at that. 

Meenu: HAHA..see! I discovered a problem for you already! 

After the ice cream got over, they left together in the guy's car. The guy had offered the lady a drop to a junction nearby her place. Okay, there was some silence for a while as the tooth hurt the guy mostly. 😁 

Meenu: Can you please stop at the next signal? My place is walkable from here. 
He: Okay, after the signal. It was very nice meeting you Meenu. I look forward to hear back from you. 
Meenu: Same here, thanks for dropping. Shall discuss with my parents and let you know soon. Byeee.
He: Leave a text once you reach home. Bye. 

They both shook hands and bid GoodBye to each other. 

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Crispy Bites - S1E2

YES or NO How I wished to say yes to the love of my life! There's no love yet, probably it is only yes to willingly fall in love? W...